Everything is a work in progress, omg

Welcome Aboard!

I'm Cirruse, otherwise known as CloudyTempest(or Cloudy for short) & I am a red panda vtuber on twitch, but my history online extends back much further, despite being mostly someone who has kept to themselves. Usually haunts before twitch streaming were: Ragnarok Online(private server), iScribble(before it died, but there's hellopaint now), Gaia Online(mostly Gaia out of all this)

Decided to make a neocities site bc I remember having some enjoyment custom coding my Gaia profiles and always wanted to get more into coding with no idea how to keep motivated/interested. Fingers crossed this helps things stick!!

Otherwise, I do digital art as a hobby/side hustle(?), and currently want to make an archive here for my art, but if you wanna check some of my stuff now... There's always my Ko-Fi link in the footer... So any custom image assets on the site are most likely drawn by me; please do not steal them. o vo

And once more, welcome aboard from this Sky Pirate Captain